Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A good time to be an entrepreneur? I'll tell you why

The talk now-a-days is politics and I admit, I talk it too. Why? Because it is relevant plus the wool has been pulled over our eyes previously. While watching that however, do not forget to tune into the technological revolution that is occurring around us. True, when you live by the sword, you die by the sword-technology and globalization has helped outsource thousands of Americans jobs.

Alternatively, it has leveled the playing field dramatically for smaller players and entrepreneurs. For example, Microsoft has taken the lead in allowing aspiring entrepreneurs to get online for free (self is hosted Microsoft's Office Live). A good gamble considering the decreasing costs of storage and hosting and MS's billions. MS for its part seems to miss the Web 2.0 aspect in it's offerings. Still it is a great starting point.

It makes even more sense when you consider the popularity of "social networking" sites that are essentially dressed up personal marketing vehicles. Was that over-the-top? Consider Myspace, which has been besieged by right wing conservatives for it's lack of sex offender controls in regards to minors is still populated with marketers pushing adult sites?

Ahhh...capitalism at it's best, or maybe at its worst? What does that mean for you? Free (cheap) hosting and free (cheap) marketing. Take advantage by making friends on social networking sites and leveraging the relationships you develop. I can go on and on, but I'm sure you get my point...

Till next time

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