Friday, November 17, 2006

To the critics of Office Live, plus some good ideas for MS

Hi this was my reply to a guy that complained about MS's office can view his post here.

I have to respectfully disagree with the gentlemen above for a few reasons. While common sense usually trumps reality, I think we may have missed the point a bit. From MS's standpoint, it was a gamble going into this market and evening having a free offering. True, Microsoft does have deep pockets which only adds to expectations. Please understand that those "that move up in the line" are not exactly in front of us. An email stated there would be some problems with logging in and such, it is only natural to expect MS to stay in business for all other newcomers. It was indeed a new release for the public, not so much as the beta testers :). I have posted in the forums previously and have shared many of the same frustrations as every other OL user. In most cases ingenuity has trumped MS's shortcomings...You can't really expect everything handed to you on a silver platter can you? Flunked Business 101? To quote,
"Microsoft Corp. today announced first quarter revenue of $10.81 billion for the period ended September 30, 2006, an 11% increase over the same quarter of the prior year" (

I tend to think they get some things right and some things they miss on like most businesses, including Google. This was a hit. I truly hope microst will increase their offerings, this means offering true e-commerce capability. The ingenuity of many has trumped this looming obstacle. All you need to is look in the forums and in many cases the information you need is right there. The solutions that they provide for "business" has allowed businesses with 10 or fewer employees to get online and supplement their existing businesses and in my case, start one.

Secondly, there is a huge step between basics and essentials. The site reporting alone is worth the extra expense. I have also taken advantage of the extra email addresses to grow and promote my site.

So where does Microsoft drop the ball? AdCenter should be a more integral part of Office Live. If your're going to charge people to host their sites online-at least understand where synergies are and take advantage of them. AdCenter is one and Microsoft Small Business Center is another. A purchase of Check Free to add e-commerce capability might be a good look ( Whats the use in having thousands of basic sites that offer just a hope of upgrading? Honestly, I didn't feel compelled to upgrade because Essentials lacked e-commerce capability.

I hope that this comment reaches someone that can address the issues. Until next time folks, lets give MS our support!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pelosi and the Democrats and Political Capital

Ok, the last couple days have been crazy. Last tuesday, I got to meet Rod Blagojevich at his victory rally...which was something that I'd dreamed about a week before. Dont ask me why I dreamed of meeting him of all people, I just did. Maybe it had something to do with him providing health insurance for all children or maybe his plan to raise minimum wage. To see that dream come to reality was really refreshing! I was so elated that dems won after being losing the last few elections. Middle of the road Americans finally realized the Republican congress and Bush weren't cutting it. What took so long? No the democrats have "Political Capital" as Bush likes to say...what will they do with it? If the rift between John Murtha and Steny Hoyer is any indication-very little. I have no taste for democratic in fighting, especially considering we elected them without a real plan for Iraq or America, for that matter. On the flip side, pundits have suggested Pelosi runs a tight ship, So perhaps Murtha as her number two man might be good. However, I think Hoyer would help keep the party just left of center...exactly where I like us.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A good time to be an entrepreneur? I'll tell you why

The talk now-a-days is politics and I admit, I talk it too. Why? Because it is relevant plus the wool has been pulled over our eyes previously. While watching that however, do not forget to tune into the technological revolution that is occurring around us. True, when you live by the sword, you die by the sword-technology and globalization has helped outsource thousands of Americans jobs.

Alternatively, it has leveled the playing field dramatically for smaller players and entrepreneurs. For example, Microsoft has taken the lead in allowing aspiring entrepreneurs to get online for free (self is hosted Microsoft's Office Live). A good gamble considering the decreasing costs of storage and hosting and MS's billions. MS for its part seems to miss the Web 2.0 aspect in it's offerings. Still it is a great starting point.

It makes even more sense when you consider the popularity of "social networking" sites that are essentially dressed up personal marketing vehicles. Was that over-the-top? Consider Myspace, which has been besieged by right wing conservatives for it's lack of sex offender controls in regards to minors is still populated with marketers pushing adult sites?

Ahhh...capitalism at it's best, or maybe at its worst? What does that mean for you? Free (cheap) hosting and free (cheap) marketing. Take advantage by making friends on social networking sites and leveraging the relationships you develop. I can go on and on, but I'm sure you get my point...

Till next time

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Google buying YT...Its good for business

The name of the game for Google is growing its advetising base. I'm quite sure the G and YT guys will find a way to integrate adsense into YT's user generated content. Not with prerolls but with more accurate searching of videos. Lets not forget Google is the reigning King of Search and therein lies its greatest core competency. Yes, G may have upwards of 30 different products, but their core comptencies search, talent and enormous financial resources allow them to leverage almost any web phenomenom. Bottom line...Keep up the good work G


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Reflections on John Foley and the Gay Ole Party

Wow after watching MSNBC for the most part of the day, it was clear the GOP party was in damage control over former Congressman Foley's indescretions. Talk about hypocrites-catering to evangelicals while essentially gay bashing. It is clear that evangelicals and the rest of the republican base are against gay marriage and generally anything recognizing gay rights. While watching Chris Matthews a speaker alluded to there being other "closet" gays in congress...It is there right to be gay, but I do not think it is at all right for them to vote on legislation that is essentially anti-gay-such as bans prohibiting gay marriage...G.O.P....Gay Ole Party

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Are you a recently released prisoner thinking about going to school? We weigh the pros and cons!

So you’re finally under a year or maybe you have a little longer. You are seriously considering your future. Will you opt for a trade? Maybe even go to college. I’m here to tell you, you can! I should know because once I sat exactly where you are-incarcerated. I worried and pondered my situation while at Graham Correctional Center. One thing I knew, however, is that to get ahead in today’s society and live a productive, jail-free life I needed an education. There was one problem-I had a drug conviction. Which meant that obtaining financial aid could be a problem. Current federal law states, “As long as you are not convicted during the school term you are in fact eligible." You may still be able to obtain Financial Aid provided you meet the qualifications. I now have a Bachelors degree in Business Management from Robert Morris. Regardless of your background, it is much harder for an employer to deny you employment with a college degree. However, the con going to school is that it takes time, focus and dedication. Do you have what it takes? If you have the patience to make it thru your incarceration-you mostly likely have what it takes to make it thru school. Another pro to going to school is how you’ll feel about yourself, as well as family member and friends (real friends that want better for you). I cannot tell you the feeling of walking across the stage with my mom, step-dad, grandmothers and aunt watching. Suddenly, going to prison was not a waste of time, it probably saved my life. Another pro and this I can guarantee-you will meet new friends- Life long friends that are trying to better themselves which is exactly the kind of people we all need to be around. Consider your future and take hold of it- Till next time, I’m out.

Friday, September 01, 2006

New Features to the site

In our quest to be much more than a Prison Pen Pal site, we have began to offer videos to our members. They can actually request a video and have us add it. Who would have thought it? Our traffic is increasing and I have been getting some wonderful responses! I have made so many updates to the site its hard to keep track! I'm focused though its been difficult to move up in the search engines, I feel we have a quality site and in due time, everyone will see it! We provide more functionality and features than any site I have researched. It looks like its was a Prison Pen Pal craze and everyone rushed in to make a quick buck....Well I have 3 words from my former Management 450 teacher, "Second Mover Strategy", These site no doubt hear our footsteps-shame on them for ripping inmates off for all these years!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I'm still doing research, in fact I've been up since about 3 this morning. I have come across many, many interesting sites...Check out, thats just one but they have alot of really great links for prisoner related rights and issues. Did you ever think about how it must feel to be on deathrow for a crime you didn't commit? I can't imagine!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Prison Pen Pal sites?

For anyone that has been following the site I have made many updates to the site. As I have been researching Prison Pen Pal websites, it appears they've made money hand over fist while providing little value to the inmates that need it most. I understand it is about business, but what about reducing recidivism and helping felons come home to better lives! This is not an altogether unreasonable goal. We all know very few prisons rehabillitate and they have no real incentive to change, since they'll keep their jobs as long as felons have a perpetual revolving door. We have to take some initiative and show people there is a better way.